
Friday 21 January 2011

Let's talk about the weather/Parlons du beau temps et de la pluie...

Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui ?
Quel temps fait-il à Paris ?

Le bulletin météo 
The weather forecast

La pluie
  • Une pluie fine : un crachin
  • Une pluie violente
  • La pluie tombe
  • Il pleut (pleuvoir)
  • Le temps est pluvieux
  • Un temps humide /sec
  • Il fait mauvais
  • Il pleut des cordes
Chez nous, l’automne est très pluvieux. Il pleut presque tous les jours et les pluies sont fortes
Le vent
  • Il y a du vent
  • Le vent souffle
  • Il y a une tempête
  • Il y a un vent de force 8.
  • Il y a du vent à décorner les bœufs.

Le soleil
  • Ensoleillé
  • Le temps est ensoleillé
  • Le soleil brille
  • Il fait beau
  • Il y a du soleil
  • Un temps sec/ humide
  • Il fait chaud
  • Il fait un temps splendide
L’été, le soleil se couche tard. En montagne, le temps est souvent orageux et les orages éclatent en général le soir. Au bord de la mer, les journées sont très ensoleillées.

La neige
  • il tombe de la neige
  • il neige
  • la neige fond
  • il fait froid
  • il gèle
En hiver, il neige rarement dans les villes. La neige tombe surtout en montagnes et les sommets restent enneigés jusqu’à la fin du printemps
Le brouillard
Le nuage
  • nuageux
  • Le temps est couvert
  • Le ciel se couvre
  • Il y a des nuages
  • Le ciel est nuageux
  • Cloudy
  • Overcast
  • It’s clouding over
Au printemps, au mois d’avril, le ciel est un peu nuageux mais les nuages ne donnent généralement pas de pluie.
Un orage
  • orageux
  • l’orage éclate / va éclater
  • le temps est orageux
A thunder storm
L’été, le soleil se couche tard. En montagne, le temps est souvent orageux et les orages éclatent en général le soir. Au bord de la mer, les journées sont très ensoleillées.
Une tempête / la tempête de 87

Le soleil brille
Le ciel est bleu/gris/ orageux

Il gèle
Il fait froid
Il fait frais
Il fait doux
Il fait bon
Il fait chaud
C’est la canicule. (heatwawe)
Le bulletin météo
Le temps pour demain : dans le nord de la France, ce sera une journée ensoleillée. Le centre du pays restera couvert. A l’ouest, le vent soufflera de plus en plus fort. A l’est, de la neige tombera par moment. Sur la côte méditerranéenne, de nombreux nuages cacheront le soleil, mais les températures seront douces.

Assez (de)
Jamais  (ne…. Jamais)
Ne……. Plus
No more
Une fois
Deux fois
Une fois
Deux fois
Jusque / jusqu’à demain
Untill tomorrow
De plus en plus
More and more
En général

Passé composé
Futur proche
Il fait
Il a fait
Il faisait
Il va faire
Il pleut
Il a plu
Il pleuvait
Il va pleuvoir
Y avoir
Il y a
Il y a eu
Il y avait
Il va y avoir

Feminine or Masculine????

Robert Doisneau-Le baiser de l'Hôtel de ville

There is no logic about the gender of words.

A shirt worn by a man is                La chemise
A blouse worn by a woman is       Le chemisier

Most of the time, the ending of a word tells you if it’s feminine or masculine.


Généralement les mots qui finissent par une consonne
·       Le port (harbour)
Généralement les mots qui finissent par un « e »
·       La porte (door)

Words ending in :


·       -age
Le garage
Le nuage
Le voyage
·       -aison
La maison
La raison
La comparaison
·       -isme
Le capitalisme
Le Post-structuralisme
Le féminisme

·       les mots d’origine grecque
Le lycée
Le musée
Le théatre
Le théorème
Le système
Le programme
Le téléphone
Le problème ( mais c’est logique)
·       -tion
La révolution
La spéculation
Une addition
Une association

Une solution( mais c’est logique)

Thursday 20 January 2011

French bookshops, libraries , cinemas in London

     Librairies et bibliothèques françaises
                           à Londres

Reminder :     Librairie          = lieu où on achète des livres
                     Bibliothèque    = lieu où on emprunte des livres
Mediathèque   =lieu où on emprunte des livres,
des DVD,CD, CD-roms, etc.
Big and multilingual, you can even buy newspapers and magazines. Allow a lot of time as you are bound ….
  • Grant and Cutler, 55-57 Great Marlborough Street, W1V 7AY (Métro : Oxford Circus)
Multilingual but a bit more cramped than European bookshop. The two are close by
Small and only French books


If you prefer shopping on line
  • Amazon le site français
  • FNAC, l’institution!!!!!

French cinemas and cinemas
showing French films in London:

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Irregular verbs in French in the Present tense

Irregular Verbs in French in the Present Tense


What Is an Irregular Verb?

80% of verbs in French are ER-regular verbs, meaning they follow ONE regular pattern. Unfortunately like in English, these verbs are not the most useful, because Fate made sure you will learn the irregular verbs by making them the most used. Try to avoid using, to be, to have, to go, to come….However don’t go in panic mode. These verbs follow conjugation patterns that are not the same as the regular conjugation patterns in some or all forms of the verb but still there are still several recognizable patterns present. For example, whereas the ils/elles regular ending typically contains ent, the irregular ending will usually contain ont. Also, the vous ending in irregular verbs often contains an ez just like the regular ending, making it more easily recognizable as a vous-form conjugation. But, as they are irregular verbs, keep in mind that not all of them will follow these patterns, which is why they are labeled irregular verbs in the first place.

Common Irregular Verbs

Here are five of the most common irregular verbs—être (to be), faire (to do/to make), aller (to go),  and avoir (to have)—along with their conjugations in the present tense:
Je suis
Nous sommes
Tu es
Vous êtes
Il   est
Ils      sont
J’   ai
Nous avons
Tu as
Vous avez
Il    a
Ils      ont
Je vais
Nous allons
Tu vas
Vous allez
Il    va
Ils      vont
Je fais
Nous faisons
Tu fais
Vous faites
Il    fait
Ils      font

You can see several patterns within the verbs.This helps cut down on the memorization necessary for learning them. However, it is important to learn all of the forms individually because these are very common verbs and ones you will see and use quite often.

Common Irregular Verbs following a je/tu/il/ils pattern VERSUS an Infinitif/nous/vous pattern.


The most common of these is Vouloir. As long as you know the infinitive and the “Je” form, you are ok.








You know that the ils form will end in ENT you know that the stem is VEU. Now you need a consonant to link the 2. Just used the one in the infinitive and the  nous & vous forms : L

Do the same with DEVOIR  ( je dois) and POUVOIR (Je peux). Easy as long as you know the infinitive ( Devoir) and the je form/ dois;

Expressions with Avoir

Some people got confused about when to use Etre or Avoir.
Exactly like in English,          Etre is followed by an adjective
Je suis anglais/                     I’m English
Avoir is followed by a noun.
J’ai faim                                 I have hunger/ however used the natural translation I’m hungry

  • avoir faim                               (to be hungry)
  • avoir soif                                (to be thirsty)
  • avoir sommeil                        (to be tired)
  • avoir peur                               (to be afraid)
  • avoir raison                            (to be right/correct)
  • avoir tort                                 (to be wrong/incorrect)
  • avoir mal                                (to be sick/not feel good)
  • avoir chaud                            (to be hot)
  • avoir froid                               (to be cold)
  • avoir ___ ans                         (to be ___ years old)
Simply conjugate the verb for your subject, and you can apply this expression to anyone. For example, to say She is tired, we take the word for she, elle, and conjugate avoir for it, giving us elle a; then we add sommeil to the end. The final sentence is Elle a sommeil, which mean She is tired.

Monday 17 January 2011

A few tips about learning French

  • Make it personal
  • Make your own flash cards
  • Take risks
  • Make the most of your time in class:
  • Do your homework:
  • Break your study time in small chunks:
  • Add a bit of fun
  • Immerge yourself in the language
  • Speak it
  • Try it
  • Get a linguistic toolbox
And never forget to…..
Studying a language will be highly rewarding. In this instance, learning French means breaking communication barriers, enriching your world with a new culture, learning about others but also learning about yourself and your own mother-tongue. You will be able to better understand your French speaking friends not only because now you can speak their language but because you will also be in touch with their culture and ultimately get a true and fulfilling experience. Learning languages will also mean having fun and being able to travel independently and in the process getting to know more about these countries than you would have by only meeting the English speaking natives.
Even if mastering a language requires time and efforts, you will be highly rewarded with an immense sense of achievement once you will reach a certain level of competence.
Here are some suggestions on how to make your journey easier and more enjoyable while applying methods and techniques to learning effectively without wasting time and loosing focus.

Make it personal
.While you work on the handouts and material that I am supplying, write up all the new words and phrases in your personal pocket notebook and try to make them relevant to you. If you have just learnt the professions, associate every member of your whole family tree with their profession in French with the correct syntax (Paul is an architect = Paul est architecte –no un or une with profession in French). If you are an only child, make a list your friends and their trade. Repeat them in your dull moments during your busy day. Stick words around the house, make shopping lists in French.
Make your own flash cards
Write the French word on one side and the English translation on the other. Try to memorize the words and then shuffle the cards and look for the right translation. Keep on average 20 cards. Once you have retained the word, take it out and add another card. At the end of the week, test yourself with the whole packet of cards or get your partner or kids to do it. This might have extraordinary results on your relationship or their school report.
Take risks
Remember that the important thing is to get your message across. If you don’t remember particular words, try to think about alternatives: words that have the same meaning or give descriptions ( sailboat could be describe as a boat with sheet of fabric, no engine).
In desperate cases, give a French twist to an English word and pronounce it according to the language you are learning. It might work and the only thing you’ll risk, is to be understood!
Make the most of your time in class
Participate actively to the class’ tasks and coral activities.
Since our life is generally very hectic, it can be difficult to find time or even little time to study a language outside the class, participating to the lesson is a great opportunity (along with other steps) in our way to learn. Let’s say that participating to a class is like being in France for an hour or so a week. It gives you the opportunity to live for a while outside your everyday environment allowing you to travel there while you are effectively 2 minutes from your desk. Cool isn’t it?
Do your homework
Homework offers such a great opportunity to really focus on structures and grammar as well as functions. While during conversations we don’t have much time to think about genders and verb congregations’ rules, during our homework we have the time to think about those rules and to correct our mistakes as well as reinforcing our knowledge. When doing homework think carefully about the purpose of the exercise, which structures and functions they want you to use in that particular instance. Try to get increasingly familiar with your lesson’s material till you will be able to master it without any effort. This will result in increasing your speed and fluency in the language and your ability to learn will be much greater.
Well this is my ideal world…. But I know that’s sometimes impossible for you to find the time. Never use the lack of completed homework for not attending a class. Coming to the class will always be beneficial.
Break your study time in small chunks
It is counterproductive to dedicate long time in one go to study the language. Instead of study 3 hours in one day ( generally on the eve of your class), try to study no more than 30 minutes per day and break the time in twice or even 3 slots during the day. Furthermore, if your day is full of dull moments that can be transformed into mini lessons: try for instance to repeat vocabulary during breakfast time, count number under the shower, do your shopping list in French or glance at your vocabulary list while waiting for the lift.
Add a bit of fun
Listen to some French music and sing it out and aloud. With the internet at hand, it wouldn’t be difficult to download some authentic music for you to listen to. Singing will reinforce your pronunciation and your listening comprehension will be greatly improved as well as your speed in speaking and general fluency.
Immerge yourself in the language
Surround yourself with authentic material as much as possible: nowadays it is possible to have cable television with many foreign channels. Pick up news and programs in French (Le Monde is sold literally 2mn from Eland House): this will add fun to your learning process as watching film and news will be really intriguing and it will help your lateral thinking skills. It is very important to listen and get used to the real speed as well as different accents. At the very beginning it will be difficult to understand even a single word but then it will be coming easier and your brain will absorb much better the overall learning process.
Speak it
Also try to make friends with French speaking people that speak your language. If you live in London, it should not be difficult to come across some French people (even without  hanging out in South Ken)
Try it
Look forwards to put all this hard work in practice and book yourself a short break in the country whose language you are studying (not Paris, remember you want to speak French! Lille is only 1h20 away). By programming one foreign trip to France when you start studying French, you will boost motivation to study when you don’t have time.
Get a linguistic toolbox
From Day One, get familiar with some essential phrases like could you repeat more slowly please?( Pouvez-vous répéter plus lentement s’il vous plait?), how do you say this in French ( Comment vous dites ça en français)…,what does this mean ? ( Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire?), I don’t understand ( Je ne comprends pas) or I haven’t understood…(Je n’ai pas compris)” from the beginning. Do not be shy and use them as they will allow you to be pro-active in your language acquisition process.
And never forget to…..
As a beginner linguist, expect to understand very little initially and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Language learning is a process that require a certain degree of patience and acceptance of making mistakes, which is normal –remember how many times you said ‘yes, it’s a car, a red car” to you toddler?-. As long as you keep hearing, reading the correct structures, you will learn them. Students will learn at a different pace. Even advanced students can also experience the feeling that they are not progressing. Progress in language learning is made by reaching several plateaux. Do not despair when reaching one, your brain is only processing the amount of information you have been feeding it.
Do not underestimate lateral thinking learning. No matter how slow, as long as you keep listening and talking you will add new information and suddenly your brain will absorb this without you even realising unlocking your ability to learn new structures and vocabulary. If you feel you are making little progress, try to revise old material or do more exercises and you should improve sooner or later.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Rencontre avec Assange ( Article à trous)

Testez votre vocabulaire et vos structures grammaticales. 

Suivez les indications. Pour les corrections, allez voir le billet original sur


Rencontre avec Julian Assange

Billet du 11 janvier 2011 du blog /

Accent Francais

Assange, je l'ai vu pour la première fois le 7 décembre dans la petite cour de Westminster. Il ____________________ (had just being arrested) par la police le matin même et un juge devait décider _______ (à/de/0) sa remise en liberté ou de son placement en détention provisoire. Dans le box des accusés, il arborait une ____________________ (suit jacket) bleue, une chemise crème et un sourire en coin. Un sourire à la limite de l'insolence.
Assange, je l'ai revu le 16 décembre à la High court de Londres, ____________ ( the day when) la justice britannique a décidé de sa remise en liberté. Derrière des barreaux en fer, le fondateur de Wikileaks _________ ( (looked) absent, v_____ ( even) abattu, après avoir passé plusieurs jours en cellule d'isolement. Qui ne le serait pas?
Assange, enfin, je l'ai rencontré hier ______(in) Beccles, ______(in) Suffolk, à quelques kilomètres du manoir où il est hébergé depuis la mi-décembre.
Un peu avant 15 heures, une Ford fiesta noire est arrivée devant le commissariat ____ ( du/de la/ de ?) village. A l'intérieur, une jeune femme et, sur le siège du passager, Julian Assange. Elle est sortie, m'a demandé ma carte de presse et m'a dit "Julian Assange ne donne pas ______ ( ?) interview _______________ ( at the moment) mais vous pourrez lui parler lorsqu'il ressortira du commissariat". Ah, c'est-à-dire? _____________ (Eventually), je comprends qu'Assange décidera tout simplement s'il veut ou non répondre _______ (à/de/0)  mes questions.
Je ne suis pas la seule à attendre le fondateur de Wikileaks. Deux Autrichiens sont là. La femme, ____________________________ ( in her thirties), les cheveux longs, prend les devants et va parler _______ (à/de/0)  Assange, qui est toujours à l'intérieur de la voiture, à la place du passager. Elle lui donne ses coordonnées (lorsque je lui demande plus tard qui elle est, elle répond "une amie" mais refuse _______ (à/de/0)  s'entretenir avec moi). Je me tiens à quelques mètres de là. Je vois qu'Assange s'anime, qu'il est souriant. Je décide _______ (à/de/0)  __________________ (try my luck).
"Comment êtes-vous venue?, s'enquiert-il." Je le trouve étonnement souriant et l'air très fatigué. "_____________( By car)? Un journaliste japonais a pris un taxi de Londres ________( ?) venir jusqu'ici. La course lui a coûté 1 000 livres." Il parle avec un certain empressement. J'ai tout à coup l'impression d'avoir une conversation avec une personne âgée qui n'a pas vu âme qui vive ________________ ( for days) -et que la conversation sur les mérites du train ________________ ( compared with) la voiture pourrait __________ (last) longtemps.
La voiture fait une manoeuvre pour se mettre dans le sens du départ. Quinze heures ___________ ( on the dot), Assange descend de la Fiesta et se dirige à grandes enjambées vers la porte du commissariat où il doit pointer tous les après-midis. Il porte des bottes en caoutchouc et, en le regardant passer devant moi, j'ai l'impression que sa frêle silhouette est montée sur des échasses. Une sculpture de Giacometti.
Deux minutes plus tard, Assange sort du commissariat et reprend aussitôt sa place dans la voiture. L'interview peut commencer. Il parle à voix basse, sur ______ (un/une ?) rythme saccadé e ?. Il dit qu'il continue _______ (à/de/0)travailler et que son équipe tente _______ (à/de/0) combattre les difficultés posées par les "attaques" subies sur Internet.
D'un entretien d'un quart d'heure, dans ces conditions, je ne tirerai pas de conclusion définitive sur l'état d'esprit d'Assange ou sa santé. Mais, j'ai été frappée par la nervosité d'Assange. L'homme qui a provoqué les foudres de la Maison Blanche a-t-il vraiment les nerfs pour en supporter les conséquences?

Le : A la une